It’s President’s Day
And in honor of it, some presidential-related links for your perusal:
—- A Gallup poll released today shows that most Americans, if they could, would choose to bring back Ronald Reagan or JFK as our next president. It’s kinda hard to take the poll seriously, tho, when you see that tied for third were Abe Lincoln …. and Bill Clinton.
—- And speaking of the former Prez, he’s once again making his presence known on the campaign trail. Yesterday, he went toe to toe with an annoying Obamaniac who was heckling him. Watch the video here. Some are saying Clinton actually made physical contact with the heckler when he put his finger in his face, but that’s not clear from the video. What is clear, however, is that Bubba is, once again, out of control.
—- On the subject of Obamamania, a diarist at the liberal blog MyDD pleads with the ‘Obamabots’ to “Cut this crap out!” in reference to their Ron Paul-esque devotion to their candidate and cites, among other pieces, one written by Ben Smith at his blog over the weekend where he talks about how the commenting by Barack Obama cultists (and some Hillary supporters) has gotten out of control to the point where The Politico is getting requests for a more hands-on approach to comment moderation.
—- Read this only if you haven’t had dinner yet: Barack Obama – a John Kennedy for our times.
—- On the subject of the real JFK, Dallas County D.A. Craig Watkins revealed today tons of documents and items related to the JFK assassination that were locked away for 20+ years in a courthouse safe, which you can be sure will revive the debate over what “really” happened to JFK on November 22, 1963.
—- Former President GHWB (known to the far left as “Bush I”) officially endorsed Senator McCain today. Meanwhile, according to the NYT, “Bush II” will be asked soon to do some fundraising for the Mc but “top aides” suggest that they don’t want the President to “appear too often” at McCain’s side.
—- Howard Kurtz writes about the uphill campaign battles of presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton. Count the state of Wisconsin as part of those uphill battles, because at this point she is polling behind Barack Obama going into tomorrow’s primary there (92 delegates are at stake). The March 4 battle in Texas shows the two of them neck and neck.
—- Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, 86, was hospitalized at St. John’s Health Center Sunday after a fall she suffered at her Bel-Air home. Luckily, she’s ok and was expected to be released this afternoon. The AP also reported: “[Reagan Foundation Chief of Staff Joanne] Drake said Reagan stayed the night in the same room where former President Ronald Reagan stayed after he broke his hip at home in 2001.” We wish you a speedy recovery, Mrs. Reagan. God bless you. (Update – 9:47 PM: Nancy Reagan will be staying another night in the hospital.)
—- And last but not least, a fitting end to this post, and to President’s Day – some classic Ronald Reagan humor for ya:
Sigh …