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May 2008, Page 16

The MSM’s dereliction of duty in its coverage of Dem primary race angle

As has been written numerous times by many serious-minded political junkies/media watchers, over, including myself, the mainstream media’s hand-holding, pillow-offering coverage of Barack Obama’s candidacy is representative of a staggering dereliction of duty on the part of the people we are supposed to be able to trust to give us fair, unbiased news coverage. You’d think that it couldn’t possibly get any more biased than it already is, right?.....   [Read More]

Need some help

Seeing as the site went down for this afternoon for the umpteenth time in the last couple of weeks, I am currently in the market for website hosting services. Please post your recommendations in the comments or email me at sistertoldjahATearthlinkDOTnet......   [Read More]