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June 2008, Page 17

Lieberman and Obama face off in Senate over Obama’s Iran position

I wish I had more time to write about this today, and may tonight, but in the meantime I wanted to link up quickly to a story about how Senators Lieberman and Obama squared off in the US Senate today over Obama’s Iran position. Obama was so upset with things Lieberman had said on a pro-McCain conference call that he had Lieberman backed up against the wall. Jake Tapper reports (via Memeo):.....   [Read More]

Hillary’s defiant speech panned by many

On a night where most people were thinking Hillary Clinton would at the very least admit that Obama had enough delegates to make him the nominee for their party, or at the very most, that Clinton would concede, neither happened. Her speech last night gave a passing nod to the “extraordinairy race Obama has run,” but beyond that, acknowledged nothing of the historic symbolism of his candidacy. Instead, she continued to press her case that she has gotten more votes that Obama, and for that matter any primary candidate in history, and said that the nearly 18 million plus people who voted for her “to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible.” She also stated during her speech that she would be talking to party leaders over the next couple of days to determine the course of her campaign, supposedly with the interests of the party and the country at heart. Translation: She will be pleading her case with uncommitted delegates and superdelegates, and trying to change the minds of some of the pledged dels and superdels......   [Read More]