Sarah Palin one-ups Barack Obama
While PEBO’s in the middle of not only appointing/nominating cronies to serve in his administration, but trying to tamp down on the speculation about what his admin knew and when they knew it on the Blago scandal as well, Gov. Palin’s solved an international crisis of sorts in Alaska.
Via Don Surber, who makes it short and sweet:
Change you can use?
Some people talk about it.
Others just do it.
Yeah, I know Obama’s got more on his plate than the Governor does, but all the same for someone who so many on the far left believe can’t find her way out of a paper bag, she’s continuing to do well for herself. More power to her.
And speaking of Gov. Palin, remember the turkey MSDNC captured on tape being executed while she was being interviewed about the turkey she pardoned in Alaska? It was sold on Ebay for $225:
The “historic” turkey was bestowed to the one lone bidder by Triple D Farm in Palmer, Alaska, where Palin had pardoned another lucky turkey earlier that day. After the ceremony, she discussed her plans for the Thanksgiving holiday while the unlucky turkey met its grim fate.
The product description on the eBay page reads, “Contrary to what some may believe or have heard we butcher our turkeys in the most humane, fastest and efficient way possible…We also respect Governor Palin for supporting our small family farm. Fifty percent of the proceeds from this turkey’s auction will be donated to our local Department of Veteran’s Affairs in support of our troops.”