Kathleen Parker graduates from Democrat Party University
Completing her metamorphosis from solid conservative to pandering beltway liberal, Kathleen Parker’s latest column “explains” why Caroline Kennedy’s “experience” makes her more qualified to replace Hillary in the Senate than Gov. Palin’s “lack of experience” made her to be VP.
Don Surber sums up Parker’s viewpoint:
People like Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan wanted to be with the winner and so they left.
And on the way out, they flipped the finger.
Republicans are owned by Christian conservatives, they said. Get a moderate.
Didn’t we do that this year with John McCain?
How’d that work out?
Parker blamed Sarah Palin for Parker’s departure from the Grand Old Party.
Palin was not ready for the big leagues because she is politically inexperienced.
Up pops Caroline Kennedy and Parker is all agog again. Like me, she heard the song “My Daddy Is President” as a child and well, she thinks Caroline Kennedy is still 5 years old.
So Parker wrote a column for today in which she extolled the virtues of Kennedy over Palin.
In Parkerland, Palin was the one who had it easy. Why she changed her name from Sarah Heath to Sarah Palin. The hussy.
“Not so Kennedy, who, upon her marriage to Edwin Schlossberg, never changed her name” Parker wrote.
Well, except for the time when she called herself Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg.
To borrow a phrase from Obama, this is not the Kathleen Parker we once knew.