Bye bye, Brit (sort of)
Earlier this year it was reported that the most loveable man in the mainstream media, Fox News Special Report’s Brit Hume, was retiring from anchoring the news effective the end of the year. Well, today was his last day as host of Special Report. Newsbusters (via J$) has the vid of the last few minutes of tonight’s broadcast, which includes a really nice tribute to the Britster.
Heck, I think I’ll post a copy of it as well
Media Bistro reported earlier today that Fox News correspondent Bret Baier will take over for Brit, effective January 5th. In the meantime, Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace and Fox correspondent Jim Angle will fill in.
Hume will still be on Fox from time to time – as per what was reported back in July:
In his new role, Hume would be a senior political analyst, anchor special events, serve as a panelist on “Fox News Sunday” and occasionally substitute for the host, Chris Wallace.
That’s great to hear, but things still won’t be the same on Fox.
We’ll miss seeing your cute mug every weekday, Brit! XOXOX – ST