Christmas greetings from Sister Toldjah
Here’s an oldie but goodie on what Christmas is all about:
I was going to write a big fancy message tonight for Christmas, but I think that video says it best.
Wherever you are tonight, say thanks for your blessings, whether they be big or small. This year I have felt particularly blessed, and have wondered why God would choose to bless me in the way he has, as I don’t always feel like I’m always the best Christian I can be. But a wise man recently told me that God knows a believer’s heart, and rewards that person with blessings, in part, based on whether or not that person’s heart is in the right place – blessings of love and/or prosperity (and not just of the money kind). And sometimes those blessings aren’t obvious ones, but they are there all the same.
So if you’re in the same boat as I am – feeling blessed but wondering why you are being blessed, it’s comforting to know that God thinks you have a good heart; that in itself is a blessing that money can’t buy and that no one can take away and that is worth more than anything sitting under the Christmas tree.
God bless you all.