Monday open thread
I’ve got a busy day ahead of me so here’s your open thread for the day.
FYI, regarding the Weblog Awards voting – voting is supposed to start today but they are still getting everything together, so you can’t actually vote yet. Once I find out when you can, I’ll let you know. The direct link to the voting page is on the top of the right side column of this page. Later this week they will have a widget of sorts that bloggers can add to their websites so people can vote directly from the finalist blog itself. I’ll add that when it becomes available.
One quick link: Franken’s supposed to be certified today in MN as the winner of the Senate race over Norm Coleman. I’m not sure where things stand with what Coleman’s next course of action – if any – is, but stay tuned to the Minnesota bloggers at Power Line, as well as to Minnesotan Ed Morrissey at Hot Air for the latest.
Back later …
PM Update – 6:07 PM: Voting is now open! You’re allowed to vote once a day til the end of the competition, which is January 13 at 5PM ET.
Thanks in advance!
Back in just a few.