Michelle Malkin and Ed Morrissey have two must-read posts up today on how badly Obama and his transition team have bungled, among other things, the selection proceess for nominees for his cabinet and picks for his admin.
The imperections of Barack Obama never escaped anyone who actually paid attention to his record and rhetoric, especially during his campaign for president, but for those in the media who made no pretense about who they supported, and for the elites on the left and right (like David Brooks, as Malkin points out) who treated (and, in fact, still treat) Barack Obama as “not of this world,” well, they’ve been in for a rude awakening for the last two weeks as the reality of a less than perfect Democrat sitting in the Oval Office has set in. We didn’t expect perfection, but they sure did.
Of course, this won’t keep the mainstream mediots and Beltway insiders who continue to fall all over him to see and describe him as anything less than a “messiah,” but maybe the American people will start to take notice.
Come to think of it, his approval rating dropped 15% from 83% to 68% in a matter of a couple of weeks (from pre-inaugural to post-inaugural), so it sounds like they already have.
Update/Related – 11:16 AM: The Washington Times reports that Obama has “abruptly” withdrawn the appointment of retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni for Ambassador to Iraq “without explanation.”
Hmmm …