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February 2009, Page 20

Well, uh, thanks!

I just discovered that I rank 81st out of 100 on Wikio’s Top Political blogs list. That link currently takes you to the January list, but Robert Spencer has a sneak peek at the February list (so far – I guess?) and I’ve moved up three spots to 81. I had no idea such a list existed, but there are some damn fine blogs out there who are also on the list and I feel honored to be among them. So, if you’re a blogger/writer who has been linking to me, thank you! And, of course, if you’re a regular reader, thank you as well Traffic’s been up lately. That’s always a good thing!.....   [Read More]

DeMint, NYT: Daschle’s nomination should be withdrawn (MORE: DASCHLE WITHDRAWS)

In light of reports of Tom Daschle’s numerous tax issues (the failure to pay them, to be exact, not to mention the lobbyist angle), the heat is intensifying on President Obama to withdraw the former Senate leader’s nomination for HHS. Leading Republican Senator Jim DeMint called for it today, and even the NYT – known propaganda rag for the Obama administration – is calling for a withdraw as well, citing Daschle’s tax issues......   [Read More]