Friday Open Thread and announcement

Hey ya’ll,

FYI, starting today I’m going on a short hiatus from the blog – a week. I’ve got a side project I’m working on that needs my full attention. Not only that, but I also need to take a breather away from politics and get my sea legs back. It’s making me a bit crazy (we can thank, in part, our “brilliant” President for that).

In my absence, this blog will be very well taken care of. Brian from Liberty Pundit – who is blogging again (yay!), Word Press code guru steveegg, and Public Secrets blogger Anthony – who is keepin’ it real over on the left coast, have all graciously agreed to guestblog while I’m away (Brian will start Monday). I owe them all big time, especially for the short notice.

Ya’ll be good now, and don’t break any furniture ;)

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