Sister Swine Flu
Rumors of my blogging demise have been greatly exaggerated
I’m not down for the count, but am down for the moment. Thought I was valiantly fighting the common cold this week, but decided to go to the doctor this morning because I was not getting any better, and after tests were run, I hear the big news:
“Your test was flu-positive.”
(Me) “Oh, ok – you mean the seasonal flu?”
“No – H1N1.”
*Stunned look.*
Fortunately, the PA I saw eased my fears on the hype surrounding the swine flu, so I’m calmer about it now than I was when she first hit me with the news.
I’m on three prescriptions, the main one being Tamiflu, one of the side effects of which is mood swings. Lucky for me my mother has the patience of a saint.
And speaking of, I’ve tried to keep family and friends far away from me this week, even going so far as locking my glass door when mom and dad came by and dropped off a few groceries I requested. I asked them to put them on the porch, and mom kept insisting on trying to come in and I (for once) won the battle. I hated doing that.
But I’m here at mom and dad’s now, as they both did not want me to battle this alone over the weekend. I did not have a choice in the matter. Dad had to drive me, as luck would have it my car wouldnt’ start this morning as I was headed out for my appt. Sigh …
My family, friends, and employer have been fantastic through all of this. Totally understanding, and totally not putting any pressure on me to do anything but get some rest and eat plenty of chicken soup (I’m so sick of soup right now – not even going there).
I have slept a vast majority of this week, and today was the first time I had stepped outside into the fresh air outside of taking out my “sick trash” yesterday. Too bad it had to be raining today
Mega-props to Anthony and Steve for taking care of my baby while I’ve been under the weather, especially doing so on such short notice. I miss blogging so much, but it takes a lot of energy for me to sit up and do anything for any length of time right now (primarily due to the meds and just flat out being zonked).
I also appreciate very much the well wishes and prayers that have been posted here at the blog and via email. They really do mean alot. I miss y’all and thank you so much for your patience. I hope to be back to normal in a few days, but in the meantime Steve and Anthony will hold down the fort. Even when I do return, it’ll be light because I’ve got a lot of things personally to catch up on as well as a lot of things to catch up on at the 8-5. I will have to learn to pace myself.
Oh, and on Barack Obama winning the Nobel? I’m trying not to think about it. I’m already sick enough.
Later, y’all.