A sneak peek into Sarah Palin’s book “Going Rogue”
Time’s Mark Halperin has a general overview of what to expect:
Based on discussions with various sources who have seen or been briefed on the book’s contents, here’s what you can expect from “Going Rogue”:
* just five chapters—but they are very, very long.
* some score settling with McCain aides she believes ill-served her (names will be named).
* a hearty bashing of the national media.
* an account of how her upbringing shaped her maverick sensibilities.
* a testimonial to the importance of faith in her life.
* a warm and personal tone, written in Palin’s own voice, despite the involvement of a collaborator.
Two things not in the book:
* Don’t look for hefty policy prescriptions.
* Once source who has seen “Going Rogue” says it does not include an index. That would give Palin a subtle revenge on the party’s Washington establishment, whose members tend to flip to the back pages and scan for their own names. If they want to know what Sarah Palin has to say about them, they will have to buy the book—and read the whole thing.
Naming names of the backstabbing McCain aides who have repeatedly tried to throw her under the bus for the last year? I.can’t.wait.
If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, there’s still time. It will be released next Tuesday. Her much-talked about Oprah interview (which was taped today) will air on Monday. Oprah posted a short video on YouTube about it earlier this evening.
Can’t wait to start reading more about Sarah Palin? Another book, The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star – written by Weekly Standard associate editor Matthew Continetti, will be released tomorrow. To get a preview of what’s in the book, read AmSpec writer Shawn Macomber’s interview with Continetti here.
Yet another one to add to my already too-long “to read” list.