Special Announcement
**Drumroll please**
I’m pleased to announce that as of Monday the 19th, ST reader Anthony of Public Secrets blog fame will be joining me here at the blog as a co-blogger. The blog has gotten too big for me to handle on my own, and Anthony, who has guestblogged for me several times in the past, graciously agreed earlier this week to come on board and help out with site content. He blogs under the name “Phineas” so don’t let that throw you off.
As a regular reader, commenter, and sometimes guestblogger, many of you are already familiar with his work. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback about him everytime he’s blogged here. Not only that, but even though we agree in general on most issues, there are areas of disagreement there that I think will provide for some interesting, thoughtful conversations and debate. Anthony also brings to the table a great deal of insight about California politics, and as we all know, California is at the front and center of the debate when it comes to issues like fiscal sanity/insanity, illegal immigration, the environment, various social issues, and of course we can’t forget about the left wing moonbattery. However, if you are new to the blog and want to see some of Anthony’s work, check out his post on Sheila Jackson-Lee’s recent comments on “North and South Vietnam.”
Like me, Anthony has responsibilities during the daytime hours during the week and there were will be some days where daytime blogging by either him or me (or both) will be light. He has his own blog to maintain as well, so I have asked him to blog here at his leisure.
So please join me in officially congratulating him on his new co-blogger status, although some people might consider that a curse