Bad news day for Democrats
A quick scan of the headlines this morning:
—– NYT: U.S. Lost 54,000 Jobs in August; Rate Rose to 9.6%
—– Byron York: New evidence undermines feds’ case against Arizona
—– Larry Sabato: Shock Prediction: GOP to Take House, Maybe Senate in 2010 Election
—– Fox News: Former Car Czar Rattner Rats on Obama
—– NYT : Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as Democrats
—– And in a sign of ultimate frustration, the Obama administration is pulling the old Clinton triangulation move by turning to the right on the issue of tax cuts for businesses … just two months before the Nov. election. You know this has to be particularly painful for both the President and his handlers who believe that the Socialistic policies they’ve forced on the American people over the last near-two years would bring over some converts to their way of thinking.
Cross-posted to Right Wing News.