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September 2010, Page 4

Cleaning up Chicago, one Jackson at a time

It’s long been known that the Rev. Jesse Jackson is one of the sleaziest characters in American politics, playing the race card for all it’s worth (and it’s been worth a lot to him). His sons are no better: it’s widely suspected he won his sons Yusef and Jonathan an exclusive Budweiser distributorship via extortion after boycotting the company. His other son Jesse, Jr., effectively had a seat reserved for him in Congress, where he’s played the identity-politics game just like his old man. He’s also, like dear old Reverend Dad, gotten himself mixed up in a couple of scandals, one involving trying to buy President Obama’s former Senate seat, and the other a questionable relationship (for a married man) with a hot blonde......   [Read More]

FYI: Axelturf & Rahmbo exiting the WH does NOT mean Chicago Way is going anywhere

Excitement filled the air this week for a short time as CBS News reported that WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior White House advisor David Axelrod were preparing to leave the WH in the coming months. But if you’re thinking their departure means that the Chicago Way has run its course in Washington, DC, think again:.....   [Read More]