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December 2010, Page 17

Not my ideal candidate, but…

So, this morning I was scanning blogs that linked to mine the previous day and, at the always worthwhile POWIP, I came across an old-but-interesting post by Enoch Root on the elitist accusations of, well, a lack of intelligence on the part of Sarah Palin. (And it’s been rearing it’s head again, lately.) But it wasn’t the post itself that got me thinking, and thus inspired this post, but an exchange in the comments between two of my Twitter-friends, Dan and Darcy, in which both said, in effect, “She’s not my ideal candidate, but…” and then proceeded to give reasons why they liked or sympathized with her......   [Read More]

Getting it backwards: the legislative veto

At Hot Air, Ed Morrissey writes about the efforts of the Republican minority in the Senate to defeat the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to gain via regulation what the environmental left couldn’t achieve via legislation: a cap-and-trade system and other onerous, economy killing “environmental” regulations. Their strategy involves the use of a little known procedure created in the 90s, called the Congressional Review Act. Ed quotes from a Politico article; see if you can spot the problem:.....   [Read More]