John Edwards to be indicted in the next month?
It’s quite possible, according to local media reports (hat tip):
CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) – Sources tell our CBS affiliate in Raleigh former Senator John Edwards could be indicted within the month.
The two-year grand jury investigation appears to have zeroed in on the alleged cover-up of Edwards’ affair and money from a 100-year old supporter of the Democrat.
Former campaign aide, Andrew Young, wrote in his book that 100-year-old heiress Bunny Mellon gave Edwards a total of $700,000 as a gift.
Young says that money helped fund the cover-up of Edwards’ affair with Rielle Hunter who was at the time pregnant with his child.
Andrew Young also told WRAL in a previous interview that wealthy Texas lawyer Fred Baron financed flights and paid rent on a California home for Hunter.
Investigators have also interviewed Bunny Mellon, twice. Some of her family members testified to the Grand Jury.
Young says Mellon never knew what her donation was used for.
It’s that money and the alleged cover up of Edwards affair with Rielle Hunter– that are at the center of this possible indictment.
You know, I don’t wish ill will on anyone, not even the political opposition but in this case I have to say that I couldn’t think of a more deserving guy for this indictment than John Edwards. He’s hurt so many people, has deceived many more than that on numerous occasions, and had the audacity to run for President portraying the “humble Southern family guy” while at the same time having an affair on his cancer-stricken wife. The guy is a world-class jerk, and if he does end up getting indicted and afterwards is found guilty of these campaign finance allegations, I hope like hell the judge throws the book at him.