Washington Post tries to smear Rubio, gets b*tch-slapped

Jim Geraghty has links to the “story” from the WaPo, and the smack down from The Miami Herald.  Rubio himself wasted no time in pushing back on the allegation that he has “embellished” his Cuban family history.

Quote of the Day from Geraghty:

Kind of amazing that the newspaper that was so late to the Jeremiah Wright story that its own ombudsman reprimanded it suddenly is making such an all-out press on the junior senator from Florida. Why, it’s almost as if the institution had no interest in contradicting the narrative of Obama as post-partisan uniter in 2008, and now sees Rubio as someone who must be damaged and scuffed-up before he becomes a preeminent face in the Republican party. Between this story and the Univision one, it’s almost as if there’s a coordinated effort to deride and smear Rubio before he can become a national figure and perhaps sway the voting patterns of Latinos.

Any questions?

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