Romney to give “prebuttal” in Charlotte tomorrow to Obama’s #DNC2012 speech

Via the Charlotte Observer:

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney will be in Charlotte on Wednesday to raise money and to give what his campaign is calling a “prebuttal” to President Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at September’s Democratic National Convention.

The former Massachusetts governor, making one of his first forays into this crucial swing state, will speak at 3:40 p.m. at A Roof with a View – a fifth-floor rooftop venue on Cedar Street that has a sweeping view of uptown and is used for receptions and wedding rehearsal dinners. Rent: Between $2,100 and $3,300 for four hour events.

The Romney campaign chose the spot because it’s across the street from Bank of America Stadium, where Obama will give his acceptance speech to cap off Democratic convention week.

Romney campaign aides told the Washington Post that his message will boil down to this: “Are you better off than you were four years ago, the last time Obama gave a convention speech?”

Romney will spend most of the day in North Carolina, where the Obama campaign will have already opened 15 field offices – including two in Mecklenburg County – by week’s end, and is registering people to vote every day. The president, the first lady and several Obama Cabinet members have visited the state several times in recent months.

Romney is scheduled to appear at a luncheon fundraiser at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. Then, at 5:30 p.m., he’ll be at Myers Park Country Club in Charlotte for a $1,000 per person fundraiser — $2,500 to get a photo with the candidate.

The 2012 general election campaign season has officially more or less begun – for better or for worse.

Gird your loins, friends.

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