So, is the Obama Administration admitting ObamaCare/ObamaTax is unconstitutional?
**Posted by Phineas
Via the Washington Examiner’s Byron York:
In an interview on CNN Thursday morning, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said that President Obama disagrees with the Supreme Court’s ruling that the individual mandate in Obamacare is a tax.
Anchor Soledad O’Brien asked LaBolt: “His spokesman…said it’s a penalty. The Supreme Court has said it’s a tax. What does he believe?”
“That it’s a penalty,” LaBolt answered. “You saw our arguments before the Supreme Court…”
“So then he disagrees with the Supreme Court decision that says it’s now a tax?” O’Brien asked.
“That’s right,” said LaBolt. “He said that it’s a penalty. You saw our arguments before the Court.”
So, since the dissent ruled that what walked like a duck was a duck and that a penalty that penalized was really a penalty and never a tax, and therefore the bill was unconstitutional, does this mean that the president’s team and, by extension, the president, himself, all agree with Justices Scalia, Alito, Kennedy, and Thomas?
In once sense, it doesn’t matter, because the Court has spoken (“The duck that walks like a duck can be considered a goose for constitutional purposes.”) and we now must settle the matter politically. Okay, fine.
On the other hand, it’s going to be a lot of fun from now until November poking Obamabots with the the sharp stick labeled “It’s a TAX!!” and watching them squirm as they try to avoid it.
Hey, it’s going to be a long, hard campaign; we need some comic relief, after all.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)