Man Obama painted as racist in 2008 to play a key role at #DNC2012
I am literally laughing out loud after reading this:
The last time Bill Clinton talked about Barack Obama in the Carolinas, it wasn’t exactly in flattering terms.
Campaigning for his wife before the 2008 South Carolina primary, the former president questioned his qualifications and raised the hackles of Obama supporters. One S.C. lawmaker accused him of “character assassination.”
State party chairman Dick Harpootlian even compared him to Lee Atwater, the late S.C. Republican operative synonymous with negative politics. Now Democrats are applauding Clinton’s selection to nominate Obama in a prime time speech to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
“Look, primaries are bruising battles,” Harpootlian said Monday. “(Clinton) is the poster boy for staying the course with Barack Obama.”
Convention organizers Monday formally announced that Clinton would nominate Obama on Wednesday night, Sept. 5. That bumps Vice President Joe Biden to a Thursday night speech at Bank of America Stadium, just before the president’s acceptance speech.
Democrats hope Clinton can rally the party’s base and sway independents for Obama by evoking the memory of an administration that presided over a period of prosperity and balanced budgets.
Earlier this year he ruffled feathers when he said Romney had a “sterling” record at Bain Capital, even as the Obama campaign has tried to tear that record apart. But, when he stays on message, few speakers are as effective.
For their part, Democrats seem willing to move beyond the 2008 primary, when Clinton was accused of injecting race into the campaign, even dismissing Obama’s probable win by comparing him with Jesse Jackson, who won the state twice in Democratic primaries. U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn, a S.C. Democrat and a leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, urged Clinton to “chill a little bit.”
But, said Duke University political scientist Kerry Haynie, who teaches African and African American studies, “bygones are bygones.”
“Most people understood that this was a battle,” Haynie said, “and they also remember some of the issues that President Clinton supported that black folks care about.”
You really cannot make this stuff up. Of COURSE Democrats who slammed Bubba and Hillary during the bruising 2008 Democrat party primary battle while jumping on the HopenChange bandwagon are “willing to let bygones be bygones” … they want Obama to win another four years in the WH and they think that the same guy THEY threw under the “raaacism” bus in 2008 can help deliver in 2012 in perhaps a way that our celebrity President no longer can.
Isn’t it hysterical how, when Team Obama is against the wall, they will turn to Bill Clinton to try and bail them out? It must drive President Obama himself nuts, because he and the Clintons are not close in any way – certainly not the cozy way he is with Chicago Way types like Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod. In fact, they only tolerate each other. The only reason President Obama asked Hillary Clinton to be his Sec. of State was as payback for her reluctant but critical support for him in the summer and fall of 2008 after the primaries were over and he wanted to shore up the women’s vote. There is no love lost between these two camps – especially between Bill Clinton and President Obama. It’s obvious when you see them together.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall to listen to the Clintons discuss this! LOL ….