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November 2012, Page 7

In which the Charlotte Observer covers for Obama on the #Petraeus affair scandal

So predictable. They write thisΒ under the guise of wanting “questions to be answered” as to who knew what and when, but in the process take the giant leap of asserting without question that Obama was never told that his CIA director was under investigation. From the editorial page (bolded emphasis added by me):.....   [Read More]

Understanding #ObamaCare realities, and how states can push back

When Speaker Boehner last week said in the aftermath of the election that ObamaCare was “the law of the land”, it made a lot of conservatives who have fought against the law since then-candidate Obama first proposed it when running for President very angry. And understandably so. Coming off a surprisingly lopsided defeat and still licking their wounds and wondering what the hell went wrong, acknowledging the reality that Congress can do very little about ObamaCare at this point outside of attempting to pick it apart here and there during budgeting negotiations was a bitter pill for many to swallow......   [Read More]