House Minority Pelosi leader “prays” Hillary Clinton will run for President in 2016


Nancy Pelosi is reaching out to a higher power to get Hillary Clinton to run in 2016.

“I pray that Hillary Clinton decides to run for president of the United States,” Pelosi (D-Calif.), the House Minority leader, said during a public appearance in Little Rock, Ark., according to The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

“Nobody has been first lady and senator and now secretary of state,” she added. “Putting everything aside that she is a woman, she’d be the best qualified person that we’ve seen [in recent years].”


Think of the message it sends to women in the world — the most powerful figure in the world is a woman, and she also happens to be the most qualified for the job,” Pelosi said, according to The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

“Most qualified” in what way? The “most qualfied” Democrat?  Why is it important for the most “powerful figure in the world” to be a  woman? Would she feel the same way if that “most powerful figure in the world” was Sarah Palin? Of course not.

I hate identity politics. o=>

Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi
Neither of these women make my ”A” list of ”most qualified” for President. Not even close. (Photo via CNN)

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