Sorry John Kerry, I know the world is round and that global warming is a fraud
**Posted by Phineas
So, having spewed thousands of pounds of harmful greenhouse gasses (1) to fly to Indonesia to warn against the evils of Man-caused climate change, Secretary of State Kerry had this to say:
Kerry, who has framed global warming as a centerpiece of his diplomatic agenda, kicked off a tour in Jakarta, Indonesia devoted to climate change.
“We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts,” Kerry told students at the U.S. Embassy-run American Center. “Nor should we allow any room for those who think that the costs associated with doing the right thing outweigh the benefits.”
“The science is unequivocal, and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand,” he added. “We don’t have time for a meeting anywhere of the Flat Earth Society.β
I hate to break it to you, Mr. Secretary, but I don’t belong to the Flat Earth Society. Nor do I believe in the Hollow Earth. I haven’t much truck with reading tea leaves or the entrails of animals, either, though I suspect both might have as good or better a track record at prediction than the computer models Warmists use in their forecasts of climate doom.
What I do believe in is empirical science: hypotheses tested against accurately observed evidence with replicable results until they are either falsified or show they can withstand challenge. And empirical science increasingly says the theory of anthropogenic catastrophic global warming is nothing but a bunch of hot air. Have you forgotten the debunking of Mann’s “hockey stick,” which was shown to be garbage? Or the corruption of the scientific method and peer-review process revealed in the Climategate emails? How about the fact that warming appears to have stopped over 15 years ago? In fact, we may now be on the down-slope of a 60 year cycle.
Is it probable, or even possible, that Man has had some effect on the Earth’s climate? Sure, but the signal is so small as to be unmeasurable compared to the overwhelming influence of the sun and the seas.
The only people with their heads buried in the sand, Mr. Secretary, are you and the other fools who ignore the ample and very clear science that at a minimum casts strong doubts over your precious Green ideology.
Your membership packet in the Flat Earth Society, including a secret decoder ring, is on the way.
PS: A very good book every clear-thinking AGW skeptic should have. And here’s another.
UPDATE: From Jim Geraghty, here’s what our Green Secretary of State will spew into the atmosphere on hisΒ week-long trip:
This is part of a six-day Kerry trip through Seoul, South Korea; Beijing, China; Jakarta; Indonesia; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, then back to Washington.
In case youβre wondering, flying first class from Washington to Seoul to Beijing to Jakarta to Abu Dhabi and then back to WashingtonΒ runs up roughly 12.16 metric tons of carbon dioxide,Β according to, which uses data from the EPA and Department of Energy.
The average AmericanΒ generates about 19 tons of carbon dioxide in a year.
If he’s so worried about CO2 (aka “plant food”), shouldn’t he have done all this by teleconference?
(1) At least in the Cult of Gaia, where it’s known as the Dread Demon Carbon Dioxide.
(Crossposted at Public Secrets)