Think Progress, Salon promote stifling of dissent over climate change
Not exactly a surprise that these two ultra-liberal sites are proponents of shutuppery, but worth documenting all the same, no matter whether it happens here at home – or abroad. Headline from Think Progress:
To Improve Accuracy, BBC Tells Its Reporters To Stop Giving Air Time To Climate Deniers
Got that? “To improve accuracy” – as if the BBC has ever given a rip about accuracy (or dissent, for that matter).
Headline from Salon:
BBC staff ordered to stop giving equal air time to climate deniers
Here are the headlines as they appeared on Memeorandum, just in case either site tries to change them:
How Salon celebrated, er, reported the news (bolded emphasis added by me):
Good news for viewers of BBC News: you’ll no longer be subjected to the unhinged ravings of climate deniers and other members of the anti-science fringe. In a report published Thursday by the BBC Trust, the network’s journalists were criticized for devoting too much air time (as in, any air time) to unqualified people with “marginal views” about non-contentious issues in a misguided attempt to provide editorial balance.
Think Progress gurgled:
When news outlets introduce false balance into its climate change stories, its audience then thinks those stories are less pressing than they actually are, a factor which contributes to uncertainty surrounding the issue and, ultimately, apathy. A 2009 study from the American Psychological Association confirmed this, noting that “perceived or real uncertainty” on climate change can lead to both “systematic underestimation of risk” and “sufficient reason to act in self interest over that of the environment.”
The far leftists at Hullabaloo cheered, “Kudos to the BBC for doing the right thing” while noting, “[o]ne of the hardest lessons journalism has had to learn over the last couple of decades is that sometimes truth doesn’t require balance.” The Huffington Post, meanwhile, seemed hopeful this was a practice that would commence stateside – in short order. The last sentence from their piece titled “The BBC Is Fighting Its Addiction To False Climate Change Balance“:
There was no word from American networks as to whether or not they were going to institute the same kinds of practices — though, given their recent output on climate change, it would be wise not to hold your breath.
And here you thought liberals were all about tolerance, and diversity, and freedom of thought and expression …