Writing in the new year ….

(Belated) Happy New Year! Haven’t written here at the site for a while but have been stationed instead at American Lens alongside my longtime partner in crime Andrea Dillon (who is one of the co-founders of AL) from the famous Lady Liberty website, and other writers with strong voices in the area.
Am Lens focuses primarily on stories of interest in North Carolina that the “big media” here either don’t cover or otherwise give much attention to. A lot of these stories are important and have national implications, or relate in some way to hot button issues being debated in other states as well (like bathroom privacy/safety, voter ID, school choice, etc.) so please don’t hesitate to bookmark it, like it on Facebook, and follow on Twitter as well.
There’s a lot more coming in the future, especially now that we have a new governor and a brand new session of the state legislature underway.
My primary focus there is on media bias, but I take on other topics as well occasionally – especially as it relates to pop culture issues.
Hope to see you there – and I’m gonna do my best to be here more as well in the new year. Also have some other ideas brewin’. Just have to find time in the day! Busy schedule and all that.