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Grandstanding, Page 6

James Cameron: a bully and a gigantic hypocrite

Director James Cameron is out to save the planet. If you are skeptical of the claims of the alarmists that Man is destroying the planet via greenhouse gas emissions, he calls you a denier who has your head up your backside. He’d like to have a “shootout” with you, except that, when taken up on the offer, he suddenly has other things to do….....   [Read More]

Maybe not lying, but certainly misleading

With the Democrats looking to take a shellacking in the upcoming midterms, Democrat politicians trying to save their jobs have more and more been scurrying as fast as they can away from Democratic policies that are largely unpopular: ObamaCare, the stimulus package, massive deficit spending, and the big bank bailouts of 2008-09. That last is a little unfair, since the TARP program was a bipartisan bailout, but it’s become conflated in the public’s mind with everything else the Democrats have done since Obama was inaugurated. And those bailouts have become so unpopular that some Democratic congresscritters are proudly claiming they voted against them – before they were even in office:.....   [Read More]

Don’t ever complain to me about the money spent on Iraq, again

For years –years!– under George W. Bush, the Democrats and their Leftist allies cried rivers of crocodile tears over the money being spent to first liberate, then stabilize that land. They claimed so often and so loudly to be worried about the debts incurred and the deficits run, that they convinced the electorate that they would actually be better stewards of the public’s money, and partly for that were given control of Congress in 2006......   [Read More]