Screwed up in Minnesota
Looks like it’s just about over for Norm Coleman:
The latest on the Franken/Coleman contest
The Minnesota bloggers over at Power Line remind everyone that the Senate race in their state is not over in spite of the fact that Franken was “declared” the winner yesterday, and argue pursuasively that Norm Coleman has legitimate legal challenges that need to be resolved. Even the liberal Star Tribune supports Coleman’s legal challenges in the interest that every vote is counted.
I want one!
Ok, so most – if not all – of us have seen the goofy ads on TV offering the commemorative Obama election “victory plate” which features a picture of the O-Man from when he gave The Speech That Started It Allâ„¢ back during the 2004 DNC. Well, I’m here to tell you that that plate doesn’t even compare to the awesomeness of the Joe Biden plate:
Rep. William “Fridge” Jefferson loses reelection bid
Nancy Pelosi no longer has the problem of Jefferson on her back and the Republicans pick up seat (h/t ST reader MD):