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United Kingdom, Page 7

UK’s Daniel Hannan: US dangerously close to going the way of Europe

Still don’t understand how this guy could have even for as second supported Barack Obama’s candidacy over John McCain’s, but I’m certainly thankful that he’s since seen the light. One of the UK’s most dynamic politicos wrote in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal about how America is dangerously going the way of Europe – and that’s good for no one but controlling, liberal elite power-hungry types (via Cubachi):.....   [Read More]

Why work? Welfare addiction in handout hungry Britain

Here’s a brief news report from Russia Today on welfare dependence in Great Britain and the damage it causes by encouraging irresponsibility and a culture of relying on the state for one’s basic needs. The woman in the video isn’t a free, self-reliant citizen; instead she is a ward of the state, effectively infantilized. And nearly one in eight Britons are like her......   [Read More]