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Other US Courts, Page 9

The good news and the bad news about today’s AZ immig. law ruling

Sorry – been a crazy day, so in the interest of time, I’ll direct you to Bill Jacobon’s analysis at Legal Insurrection on the ruling that was handed down earlier today on the Arizona immigration law. The key aka “most controversial” provisions of the law have, in effect, been put on hold while the Obama administration proceeds with its lawsuit against the state......   [Read More]

Democrat theme of the week: “Let’s not ‘cower’ over KSM civilian trial”

Because (mostly) conservatives are objecting strongly to the Obama admin’s disgraceful decision to try the self-professed “mastermind” of 9/11 – KSM – in a civilian court, this week’s talking point amongst the left contains some subtle, and in some cases not so subtle, accusations that those who would prefer KSM be tried in a military court rather than a civilian court are “cowards.” First up, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT):.....   [Read More]