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Target CEO: We Should Have Kept Quiet About Bathroom Policy


The Wall Street Journal published a behind-the-paywall piece recently on the fallout from Target’s decision to go public a year ago with it’s “inclusive” bathroom and fitting room policy in the aftermath of the passage of North Carolina’s HB2. The piece noted that Target’s sales fell substantially in the three quarters after their announcement due to a heavily promoted boycott push by concerned customers. Via Business Insider:.....   [Read More]

Charlotte Observer Wages Total War On HB2 And Their Journalistic Standards

Charlotte Observer and HB2

It’s not exactly a secret that the Charlotte Observer opposes HB2. They’ve run countless “objective” pieces on it since its late March passage as well as numerous haughty editorials decrying the law known nationwide now as the “bathroom bill.” They’ve also denounced its proponents – which include victims of sexual assault and rape – as “bigots” fighting against “imaginary threats/ghosts” who need to get over their “discomfort” at the thought of male genitalia in their locker rooms......   [Read More]