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Iraq, Page 6

A retrospective on the war on Iraq

If you read nothing else today, please read David Bellavia’s poignant piece on Iraq: Our Mission is Finally Accomplished… Anyone Care? It’s mostly directed at the doubters and naysayers, those who didn’t believe the US could and would win there, but it’s also an important read for those of us stateside who never gave up believing the mission could be accomplished, who never had a doubt that our men and women and our allies would make it happen......   [Read More]

NYT at it again – publishes info that will aid the enemy and hurt US counterterrorism efforts

Yes, the newspaper that refused to reveal the exact contents of the ClimateGate emails because they were “never meant for the public eye” has once again handed the enemy the keys to the front doors of our intelligence agencies by exposing secret tactics used by the CIA, with the help of Blackwater, in tracking, detaining, and transporting suspected ‘insurgents’ in Iraq and Afghanistan......   [Read More]