The #Obamacare plan in action: another major insurer pulls out of another state
**Posted by Phineas
**Posted by Phineas
The Wall Street Journal reports on what National Review Online’s Veronique de Rugy calls one more in the law of “unintended consequences” to the implementation of our President’s “signature law” – ObamaCare (via Memeorandum –bolded emphasis added by me):
**Posted by Phineas
I went on a rant about this on Twitter earlier this evening – and Storified it and some of the responses I received for your viewing/reading pleasure (or displeasure). NBC, CNN, Reuters, and especially the Associated Press couldn’t help but mention how Chavez supposedly did “so much for the poor”, even though a couple of them, to their credit, did mention his political oppression and the escalating murder rate in passing …
**Posted by Phineas