The opinion piece Joe Wilson should have written
This is absolutely priceless! And spot on.
This is absolutely priceless! And spot on.
Yes, the post title is a bad play off the song “Put the Blame on Mame” from the Rita Hayworth movie Gilda, I know. Anyway …
How does it feel now, Joe, to know that you’ve clearly and irrefutably been proven to be a grandstanding, cocktail party circuit liar on the issue of the alleged ‘deliberate’ outing of your wife? Money quote from Wilson is a minute 45 secs into the clip (the interview, btw, was taped long before the Isikoff’s and Corn’s revealing Armitage as the ‘leaker’):
Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff and The Nation’s David Corn have a new book coming out titled Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War which asserts that the State Department has known ‘for years’ that former Dep. Sec. of State Richard Armitage was the ‘leaker’ in the overdramatized, over-hyped by the far left l’affaire de Plame. Via Isikoff’s write up about it in Newsweek: