Bob Novak reveals Plame source
Joe Wilson’s entry in the ‘Who’s Who in America’ directory. Drudge has the scoop:
Joe Wilson’s entry in the ‘Who’s Who in America’ directory. Drudge has the scoop:
Every once in a while a news article comes along that contains a liberal bias in it so subtle that you’d miss it if you weren’t reading it carefully. Today’s example comes from Charles J. Hanley, writing for the Associated Press. See if you can spot the liberal media bias below:
… as told by Joe Lauria, someone who is quite familiar with’s Jason Leopold and his penchant for using underhanded tactics to get ‘scoops’ that often turn out to be false – like the one from May 13 in which he claimed to have the scoop from anonymous but supposedly reliable sources that Karl Rove had been indicted in le affaire de Plame, which we now know was untrue.
First, his statement on today’s news that Fitzgerald will not be indicting Karl Rove (emphasis added):
Via the NYT:
Tom Maguire has a lengthy post up on Scooter Libby’s defense team and their response to Pat Fitzgerald’s court filing.