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Healthcare, Page 6

QOTD: “I’m not a numbers cruncher” on #Obamacare, says @PressSec Carney (VIDEO)

I said earlier today on Twitter that I almost – almost – feel sorry for White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who has probably dished out more lies and deliberate misinformation for an administration than any other Press Secretary in modern history. But, he gets paid very well for what he does – and being in the Beltway likely insulates him from the much-needed criticism he deserves, so with that in mind, I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Watch below as he hilariously tells a reporter during today’s White House press briefing questioning him on Obamacare data that he is “not a numbers cruncher”:.....   [Read More]

For vulnerable Democrats, #Obamacare has become a ‘four-letter word’

In spite of high profile Dems like former President Bill Clinton urging their party to talk up Obamacare during the 2014 election cycle, The Hill reports this weekendΒ that for many running for election or re-election, the so-called “Affordable Care Act” they once enthusiastically supported is now little more than a “four-letter word”:.....   [Read More]