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CIA, Page 9

Release of Bush-era “torture” memos proves Bush wasn’t Hitler after all

The Usual Suspects on the left and in the MSM (but I repeat myself) have exploded in outrage over what was “revealed” in Bush-era “torture/interrogation” memos released yesterday by an Obama administration desperate to prove that government should be “transparent” (even though by their own standards, the only transparency they’re interested in is transparency for past administrations, not the current one)......   [Read More]

Democrats on waterboarding, then versus now

Fresh on the heels of finding out that ranking Democrats knew of the CIA’s videotaping of aggressive interrogation techniques of suspected terrorists, and the later destruction of two of those tapes – all the while doing nothing about it, anti-Bush liberals learned today via the Washington Post (h/t: Jimmie) that in secret briefings dating back to 2002, ranking Democrats raised no objections to the now-discarded practice of “waterboarding,” an interrogation technique Democrats have held over the administration’s head for the past couple of years as an example of “torture” (emphasis added):.....   [Read More]