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Search results for: "Joscelyn ", Page 2

Zarqawi looks like a fool on camera, and MSM utilizes its excuse-making machine

By now you’re all probably familiar with the video released by the US military that shows terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi fumbling with an American weapon known as a Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). The guy looks like an incompetent fool – obviously, not a side he’d want those doing his bidding, as well as potential new terrorist recruits to see. .....   [Read More]

New revelations on the Saddam/Osama connection

Jamie Glazov at FrontPage magazine has a must-read interview posted that he did with Thomas Joscelyn on some new revelations that are emerging from the recently released intelligence documents that were discovered in Iraq and Afghanistan. Joscelyn in the past has teamed up with the tenacious Stephen Hayes regarding the connections between Saddam and Osama. From the interview (emphasis added):.....   [Read More]