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Search results for: "race card", Page 6

How Obama’s election has NOT helped “race relations”

Many of us predicted it would happen way before he was elected President: Barack Obama has not helped race relations. Before he was elected, scrutiny of him by opponents was treated as “racist” in nature. And not just from conservative opponents. Hillary and Billy Clinton were on the receiving end of the “racist” accusations at the start of the primaries in January 2008, and those accusations were fostered by none other than Obama himself and higher-ups in his campaign staff. The accusations continued throughout the primary and general election campaign seasons, especially once it the sunlight shone a little brighter on Obama’s 20 year relationship with his racist “spiritual mentor” the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. .....   [Read More]

Political intimidation in Charlotte, NC – and other general thoughts on post-election race relations

This morning I noted that I had to a story to tell about two recent Obama supporter “road rage” incidents that have happened to me in the last two weeks. One happened last week, and the other this morning. Nearly 12 hours after this morning’s incident happened, I’m still feeling a hell of a lot of anger about it. I thought after a few hours I would have calmed down some from it but I haven’t, so excuse me if I use a bad word a time or two in this post. Also, apologies for any typos. I’ve had an exhausting week and right now my I’m thinking faster than I can type .....   [Read More]

Race-baiting Obama strikes again

It’s getting hard to keep track of how many times he’s played the race card (not to mention his surrogates), but he’s done it again, this time in a Spanish language ad that is so filled with distortions and lies – and race-baiting smears – that ABC’s Jake Tapper took the time to debunk almost every bit of it here. .....   [Read More]