The reception Jon Carry received in Iraq

WDAY’s Scott Hennen has a photo and report from a friend of his who is serving in Iraq on the reception Senator John Kerry received in Iraq.

Hey Senator, have you gotten the message yet that the troops don’t want you “stuck in Irak” with them – ever?

BTW, this isn’t the first time Kerry’s failed to draw a big crowd to one of his appearances. He’s just not a very popular guy these days.

Hat tip: Scott Johnson at Powerline via ST reader DS

Thurs PM Update and Bump – 3:33 PM: Was the Kerry photo taken at another time and another place – before his “stuk in Irak” comments? Michelle Malkin points to other blogposts that believe so, and in response does her own digging and believes those blogs are wrong.

Originally posted on 12/27/06 – 9:57 a.m.

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