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March 14, 2008

The left’s silly attempts at morally equating Wright/Farrakhan/Hagee/Parsley (PLUS: VIDEO OF BO’S INTERVIEW ON H AND C ADDED)

It always, always happens. Anytime someone on the left is called to the carpet on a controversial comment, action, or association by the right, inevitably the left will, in turn, play the moral relativist card by claiming “but so and so on the right” has said/done the same thing. Saying “they all do it” is, of course, a cheap attempt at trying to negate any criticism, even when the criticism is legit. So it’s no surprise that since the heat started being turned on Barack Obama for his longtime association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Louis F., who in turn endorsed BO, that The Usual Suspects would try to morally equate Wright and Louis F. with Christian megachurch pastors John Hagee from Texas and Rod Parsley from Ohio, endorsements from which McCain sought. Alan Colmes did it tonight on H&C, and other diehard moral relativist lefties both in the punditocracy and in the blogosphere have been doing it over the last few weeks as well......   [Read More]


Is it just me, or is there anyone else who sees something wrong with a woman who sells herself for cash being in position to make hundreds of thousands – perhaps even millions – from selling her music as a result of this scandal, telling her story and/or posing for pictorial spreads in one of major “men’s magazines,” while the hypocritical prosecutor-turned governor who paid for her “services” is fighting to stay out of prison, his reputation ruined by his own machinations? .....   [Read More]