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May 12, 2008

Goracle uses Myanmar cyclone tragedy as a book promo tool

Peter Foster at Canada’s National Post blog writes about the latest example of The Goracle proving himself to be the consumate opportunist – by using the Myanmar cyclone tragedy, which to date has left nearly 32,000 dead, another 30,000 missing, and over 2 million other devastated, to promote the paperback version of his alarmist scribblings:.....   [Read More]

Newsweek echos Obama campaign’s talking points, McCain camp responds

Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Richard Wolffe wrote a piece this past weekend that sounded like something you’d find emphasized in the Obama campaign’s talking points handbook. Essentially, the piece talked about how the Obama camp would be prepared to counter the GOP’s “smear tactics,” implying that using such tactics, including the use of proxies in 527s to defeat opponents, was the only way the GOP knew how to win. The piece also suggests that legitimate issues, like Hamas’ endorsement of Senator Obama, are vicious “smears” against the rookie Senator from Illinois, a sentiment Obama apparently agrees with......   [Read More]