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September 23, 2008

Gov. Palin begins meetings with world leaders

On a day that has seen Bush speak to the UN about terrorism while Iran’s Islamofascist “leader” was listening in the same room, and a day the press threatened a revolt if the McCain campaign didn’t give them more access to Gov. Palin while she visited the UN, the Gov. herself is busy getting to know various world leaders. The NYT is among the first to report, with a photo, about her meeting with Afganistan president Hamid Karzai......   [Read More]

Obama, Ayers, and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge

The so-evil-he’s-been-targeted-by-the-Obama-campaign Stanley Kurtz has continued digging into Barack Obama’s relationship with unrepentant domestic terrorist and “neighbor” to Obama Bill Ayers and reports to you the information that the mainstream media aren’t interested in investigating. They’re too involved in interviewing disgruntled librarians in Wasilla in an attempt to get dirt on Gov. Palin to care about the radical ties of the Democrat nominee for president......   [Read More]