David Shuster: Superfreak

Andrew Breitbart writes today about how MSDNC’s error-prone Dayside show anchor David Shuster tried to trick him into coming on to his network under false pretenses regarding the James O’Keefe story:

Today is the day that I have been invited to go on MSNBC for the very first time. At no point during the ACORN story was I put on the hot seat to defend the work of James O’Keefe. My thesis from day one has been that the mainstream media is biased in favor of the left and MSNBC is its most obvious case study.

So when MSNBC led the charge on Tuesday against James O’Keefe when he and three others were arrested in New Orleans at Senator Landrieu’s office, it came as no surprise that the cable network seized upon a narrative that presumed O’Keefe’s guilt, falsely extrapolated that he was being charged with felony wiretapping and instantaneously coined and repeated endlessly the new buzz phase, “Watergate Jr.”

Thus it came as no surprise to me that Keith Olbermann’s super sub, David Shuster, called me early Wednesday. ”Watergate Jr.” pushed MSNBC to send Shuster down to New Orleans to own the destruction-by-media of James O’Keefe and anyone in his proximity. I immediately told Shuster that I had been getting emails about his absurd, over-the-top and rush-to-judgment journalism. He told me that I had him confused with Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, that he has “no horse in this race.” He asked that I come on his show and that he would give me a fair interview. He proceeded to send me the following emails to formalize the request.

Read it all – especially the screencaps of the Tweets David Shuster posted to O’Keefe, which MSDNC has (sort of) condemned. It’s a stunning indictment of a network we already know is liberally biased, has admitted at the very least that it has tilted to the left, and is a favorite of the Obama administration.

Shuster seems to have the politics of deception down pat. Maybe one day he’ll decide to knock, knock, knock on Obama’s door – like so many other so-called “MSM” journalists have.

Go ahead, David. Please. Do the right thing.

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