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August 2005, Page 6

Media hypocrisy watch

Seth at Say Anything notes the media’s hypocrisy (yes, I know using the word "media" and "hypocrisy" in the same sentence is a bit redundant but anyway …) regarding their round-the-clock coverage of Pat Robertson’s advocation for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s assassination (Pat has apologized, BTW) versus their scant coverage of Clinton senior advisor George Stephanopoulos, who wrote a piece for Newsweek back in 1997 that had the headline: Why We Should Kill Saddam......   [Read More]

Comments Part 2

As noted a couple of days ago, I disabled my Spam Karma 2 as there were still some posts getting through that SK2 wasn’t blocking but should have been and in addition to that, I had a couple of other issues with SK2.  So I started using Word Press’ blacklist and moderation features which seems to be working well......   [Read More]

Long day

I’m sure you’ve all had days that were so long, and/or so bad you just wished they would hurry up and be over.   Today was one of those days to me.  If it coulda gone wrong, it did!  Luck was not on my side today at all.  .....   [Read More]