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September 2005, Page 23

About those levees

There’s been a lot of Bush-blaming going on in the last week by the usual suspects about the fact that funding for the US Army Corps of Engineers had been decreased by a substantial amount last year in favor of pumping more money into the Iraq war effort. The conclusion drawn from that from that same crowd is that if Bush hadn’t have called for the decrease in funding for the US ACE, the levees that burst earlier this week after Hurricane Katrina’s rampage would have been upgraded quickly so as to avoid the exact scenario that sadly happened in New Orleans on Monday......   [Read More]

More than 50 countries offer aid to the US

On Wednesday, I posted a message discussing international aid and the implications in, ahem, certain circles (you know which ones) that we shouldn’t fault other countries for not offering assistance to us, considering how we ‘bad mouthed’ them in the run up to (and after) the war in Iraq. Well, it looks like many many countries are on board in the international aid effort to give the US some disaster relief assistance in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which as we all know has devastated the Gulf Coast. .....   [Read More]