How the MSM will cover the last 6 days before the election

ABC’s Mark Halperin and his team have a primer. Here’s a sneak peek:

How the (liberal) Old Media plans to cover the last two weeks of the election:

1. Glowingly profile Speaker-Inevitable Nancy Pelosi, with loving mentions of her grandmotherly steel (see last night’s 60 Minutes), and fail to describe her as “ultra liberal” or “an extreme liberal,” which would mirror the way Gingrich was painted twelve years ago.

2. Look at every attempt by the President to define the race on his terms as deluded and desperate; increasingly quote Republican strategists saying that the President is hurting the party whenever he enters the fray.

Read it all, and be prepared for the absolute worst coming from Dems and their mouthpieces in the MSM from now until election day – heck, even beyond that, depending on how things go.

Hat tip: ST reader DS

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