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November 2006, Page 6

Most wonderful time of the year …

This may sound silly to some people, but I have to post about it anyway: today is the anniversary of the day I stepped into this house for the first time, when it was for sale. I made an offer the next day, and the day after that, the offer was accepted – and thus, I was on my way to owning a home for the first time. I felt so blessed through the process of buying the home. That’s not to say it wasn’t stressful, but it would have been more so without the support of family, friends, my work, the people I had on my side like my realtor and mortgage lender guru, and most importantly: God. I had gone through an experience trying to buy a home just a couple of months prior to making the offer on this house, and as I wrote last October, that first experience was a miserable one. .....   [Read More]

What’s going on in Iraq

After being away from the ‘net and taking a break from the news for the last few days, I’m just now catching up and finding out that there has been a lot of activity in Iraq over the last few days – most of it bad – but some reports have been exaggerated. Curt at Flopping Aces has been on top of the latest developing stories in Iraq and gives us the breakdown of what’s true and what’s questionable here......   [Read More]