Oh yes, the Dems are really cleaning up Washington
More like cleaning up in Washington:
Democrats in Congress appear to be taking full advantage of the “pay to play” system they said led to a “climate of corruption” under Republicans, an ABC News investigation has found.
“Washington looks pretty much the same as it always did,” said Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation, despite Democratic promises of reform.
Campaign finance records made public this week show Democratic congressional campaign committees taking in substantially more in contributions than their Republican counterparts.
According to the records, the Democratic House and Senate committees reported $32.7 million in contributions. The Republican committees reported $22.9 million.
One of the Democrats’ biggest fundraisers, held at a private estate in suburban Washington, required lobbyists and other big donors to pay as much as $28,000 to have dinner and access to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic House leaders.
Hat tip: Brian at Iowa Voice, who reminds us that Dems are swimming in special interest cash.
Meet the new boss, same as the …